Making Change Happen
Human Behaviour Change skills for vets, behaviourists and trainers
This course was created from materials used for a day's workshop in March 2017. Some of the presentations use an old slide template and aren't as 'shiny' as those of the talks we give now but the content is still very relevant. Over the next few months we will be re-recording some of the talks. We have priced this course low considering how much it covers to reflect that it perhaps isn't as fresh as we'd like it to be.
For vets, behaviourists and trainers working with clients the ultimate goal is to change the behaviour of the owner in order to improve the lives of the animals they care for. To be as effective as we can be we need optimum owner compliance in these professional roles.
This course explores some of the principles of human behaviour change with a focus on the communication skills and personal development goals that will help to apply them.
Led by three facilitators, Ben Hart, Catherine Bell and Suzanne Rogers, the course will include videos, presentations, worksheets and further reading that will encourage active learning about the topics of this workshop.
If you live in a low-income country and are interested in this course please e-mail [email protected] to discuss concession rates.
The creation of this course was kindly sponorsed by The Horse Trust.
Ben Hart
Ben uses his knowledge of the practical application of animal and human behaviour to deliver training and facilitation services that are relevant, sustainable and fulfil the needs of any organisation working with animals. Ben provides individual training and facilitation services that are based on the principles of honesty, wisdom and responsibility so that training inspires change not just at the end of the day but for years to come.
Ben has worked in agriculture with all types of livestock in many countries and for organisations, including the RSPCA, The Blue Cross, The Brooke and The Donkey Sanctuary.
Ben's expertise involves the practical application of Human Behaviour Change with individuals or organisations.
Catherine Bell
Catherine founded the Thinking Horsemanship Forum in 2003, providing an online platform for exploring the (then) new ideas regarding training horses with positive reinforcement and debating what we mean by “ethics” in horse training. She was also a founder member of the Equine Behaviour and Training Forum, an entirely voluntary organisation providing non-commercial evidenced-based information to the general public. Catherine is qualified as a Certified Horse Behavior Consultant with the IAABC, registered as a behaviourist with the ABTC and has nearly finished a BSc. Psychology.
Suzanne Rogers
Welcome to the course
FREE PREVIEW1. Week 1: Introduction to the Course - Overview of Human Behaviour Change
1a. PDF of slides of HBC introduction
2. Week 1: Exploring Change (Worksheet)
3. Week 1: Stages of Change
3a. Link recommendation, stages of change
4. Week 1: Positive Deviance
4a. Positive Deviance Downloadable PDF
5. Week 1: Further Reading
R1. Speaker Biographies
R2. Introducing HBCA - The Organisation
R3. Resource: Exploring HBC - video of Presentation by Ben Hart
R4. Resource: Key Principles of Human Behaviour Change - video of a presentation by Jo White
R5. Introduction to Animal Welfare (bonus content)
1. Week 2: Why Communication Fails
2. Week 2: Uppers and Lowers (Worksheet)
3. Week 2: 1-1 Interactions
3a. PDF 1-1 interactions
4. Week 2: Exploring Perception
4a. PDF Exploring Perception
5. Week 2: Involving the Client
5a. PDF Involving the client
6. Week 2: Exploring Reluctance to Call the Vet
7. Week 2: Principles
7a. Life of Brian Video Clip
7b. Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment
7c. Stanley Milgram Authority Experiment videos
8. Week 2: Further Reading
R1. Resource: Transacting to Treat - video of presentation by Debbie Busby
R2. Resource: Punishment and our Pets - video of a presentation by Dr Anne McBride
R3. Resource: The Six Principles of Persuasion - video of a presentation by Julie Palais
R4. Resource: HBC for the Individual - video of a presentation by Dr Catherine Bell
R5. Resource: Communication and Influencing Skills needed to drive HBC - a video of a presentation by Dr Risë VanFleet
R6. Resource: Social Cognition to Identify Motivators for and Barriers to Change - video of a presentation by Ruth Jobling
R7. Resource: Why we struggle to take on new information
Additional thought: Language of Change
1. Week 3: Intrinsic Motivation
1a. Rock Corps
2. Week 3: Congruence
3. Week 3: Support Network
4. Week 3: Autonomy and Choice
4a. Defying Milgram and Alex Haslam TED talk links
5. Week 3: Therapeutic Relationship
6. Week 3: Quality of Self
6a. Dan Pink on Persuasion
7. Week 3: Exploring Empathy
7a. PDF Empathy
8. Week 3: The Curse of Knowledge
FREE PREVIEW8a Link - The Curse of Knowledge
9. Week 3: Worksheet Explanation - Qualities of an Excellent Human Behaviour Change Practitioner
9a. Week 3: Personal Development Plan (Worksheet)
10. Week 3. Workshop - Learning from Learning
11. Week 3: Further Reading
R1. Resource: Why Facts Don't Convince People (and what you can do about it)
R2. Resource: TED talk on Empathy
R3. Resource: Habits
R4. Resource: TED talk on Motivation
R5. Resource: TED talk on motivation, health and excellence
1. Week 4: The Science of Change
2. Week 4: A Personalised Approach
3. Week 4: A case study - obese dog
4. Week 4: Consultations - the Human Element P1
5. Week 4: Top Tips
6. Week 4. Dealing with Pet Bereavement
7. Week 4: Measuring Success
8. Week 4: Further Reading
R1. Resource: How Does an Understanding of [...] help me to be an Effective People Manager - video of a presentation by Tamsin Durston
R2. Resource: Compassion Fatigue podcast
4. Week 4: Consultations - The Human Element P2
4. Week 4: Consultations - The Human Element P3
4. Week 4: Consultations - The Human Element P4
Bonus presentation