Why learn behaviour change science?

We live in challenging times with Covid-19, climate change, societal inequality and injustice, and so many other related issues; but equally, times of opportunity that can enable a bright future for current and forthcoming generations, and the planet. Human behaviour change science provides a greater understanding of why people do and don’t behave in a certain way, whether it be eating an apple rather than a chocolate bar, exercising rather than sitting on the couch watching TV, choosing regenerative agriculture that plants trees rather than chopping them down to grow crops, or, using kind positive handling techniques rather than hitting animals to get them to comply. Behavioural science can help us to understand why people do what they do, and don't do.

Who is this course for?

Anyone who is looking to make a change, in their own life or in the lives of others. This might be in your personal or professional life. You might be working one-on-one with clients, helping them to make healthier decisions, or you may be working on a global campaign to change perceptions on a particular topic. The concepts are applicable to any sector – wellbeing, social justice, animal welfare, sustainability, development and much, much more. So, no matter what your ambition or what sector you work in, this course will give you the foundations you need to deliver long-lasting, sustainable change.

How long will it take to complete this course?

This course will take between three and four hours to complete. This time includes reviewing all course resources and activities.

Whether you are new to behaviour change or you are looking for a refresher, this course will…

  • Introduce you to the principles of behaviour change

  • Illustrate the potential it has to help you make greater impact in your work

  • Set you up with the tools you will need to continue exploring this fascinating and vital area of study  

In this course you will be introduced to…

  • Why we should be using human behaviour change science

  • The key principles of human behaviour change

  • How the science of behaviour change can be used to design interventions, projects and campaigns

  • The importance of monitoring and evaluation

"As someone who works in environmental conservation, I have found that this area of science is incredibly important but often overlooked when developing conservation projects..."

Sarah Lewis, Thrive Conservation

"This course provides an easy to digest introduction to human behaviour change science. As someone who works in environmental conservation, I have found that this area of science is incredibly important but often overlooked when developing conservation projects (which are almost always requiring some level of human behaviour change in order to be successful). After taking this course, I feel more empowered to tackle our complex human behaviour change conservation work, as I now have an understanding of how and why people do what they do, and the approaches we can take to make positive change. I'm looking forward to building on this foundation course and learning more about this interesting topic."

"This is for anyone who likes, influences and works with people to empower them to make their desired changes..."

Michelle Cairns

"As an academic I highly recommend this foundation course in behaviour change. This is for anyone who likes, influences and works with people to empower them to make their desired changes that are so beneficial and essential for human, animal and planet health, well being and sustainability. This course is easy to accomplish and holds your interest that will enlighten and amaze you."

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to the HBCL Foundation Course

    • Welcome to the HBCL Foundation Course - continued

    • An introduction to your speaker - Suzanne Rogers

    • An introduction to your speaker - Jo White

    • Pre-course short survey

    • Pre-course short survey

    • Pre-course short survey

  • 2

    Section 1: Introduction to human behaviour change science

    • Course outline

    • Why should we understand human behaviour?

    • What does human behaviour change science include?

    • Understanding an issue: Messy Mapping and Rich Pictures

    • Resources

    • End of section reflections

  • 3

    Section 2: Key principles of human behaviour change science

    • Principle 1: Change is a process

    • Resources

    • Principle 2: Understanding psychology is key in driving change

    • Resources

    • Principle 3 & 4: The environment influences change & Change must be owned

    • End of section reflections

  • 4

    Behaviour change science in practice

    • Case study: Brooke, Conversations for Change

    • Case study: Brooke, Conversations for Change

    • Case study: Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board

    • Case study: Canal & River Trust

  • 5

    Final words

    • Take home messages

    • Thank you for completing this course

    • End of course survey

    • End of course survey

    • Continue your journey

    • Final words