HBCL Foundation Course
The Human Behaviour Change for Life Foundation Course will introduce you to the core concepts and principles of human behaviour change, setting you up to continue your journey exploring this fascinating and vital subject.
How long will it take to complete this course?
Why we should be using human behaviour change science
The key principles of human behaviour change
How the science of behaviour change can be used to design interventions, projects and campaigns
The importance of monitoring and evaluation
Welcome to the HBCL Foundation Course
Welcome to the HBCL Foundation Course - continued
An introduction to your speaker - Suzanne Rogers
An introduction to your speaker - Jo White
Pre-course short survey
Pre-course short survey
Pre-course short survey
Course outline
Why should we understand human behaviour?
What does human behaviour change science include?
Understanding an issue: Messy Mapping and Rich Pictures
End of section reflections
Principle 1: Change is a process
Principle 2: Understanding psychology is key in driving change
Principle 3 & 4: The environment influences change & Change must be owned
End of section reflections
Case study: Brooke, Conversations for Change
Case study: Brooke, Conversations for Change
Case study: Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board
Case study: Canal & River Trust
Take home messages
Thank you for completing this course
End of course survey
End of course survey
Continue your journey
Final words